From our point of view, The Night Show is a very interesting and successful project. Furthermore, the Show does not leave uncovered those political rocks that were carefully neglected in the past. Now the satire of the Show hits almost everybody, including mass-media.
We saw our politicians, even those who were considered to be dead serious, in a surprisingly different way on the Show.
This format exists from the 50's of the 20 th century and is very successful in the United States. The format is known as "the late-night talk show'. The famous representatives are: "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" (NBC), "The Tonight show with Jay Leno" (NBC), "The Late Show with David Leterman" (CBS), "The Late Night with Conan O'Brien" (NBC) and others. NBC network is considered to be the originator of the format.
David Gogichaishvili started working on developing the Georgian version of American late night talk show format at Ohio University , School of Media Management , (Athens , OH), continued at the NAB - National Association of Broadcasters (Washington , DC) and finished at NBC Headquarters in New York City. After that this project was implemented at the Broadcasting Company "Rustavi 2"
(Tbilisi , Georgia). The debut of the show took place on September 12, 2003 .
The following people are participating in the creation of the Night Show:
Gocha Korkhelauri
Giorgi Janelidze
Gocha Tandarashvili
Oto Lomtadze
Irakli Vakhtangishvili
Vaso Pkhakadze
Ivane Javakhishvili
Misha Andguladze
Avto Margvelashvili
Koba Barateli
These guys are sitting in a large room, known as the "writers' room" for a certain period of time and are thinking about a particular number of jokes, based on which the monologue is created.
Responsibilities of the writers' group also include meeting with the guests of the show, interviewing them and setting up a possible dialogue.
Every day for about one hour the writers read Georgian press. Probably you have guessed. Ladies and Gentlemen, without any introduction - Headlines!
Writers also dedicate some time for the invention of the video-bits.
Following people are working on the production of the video bits:
Vakhtang Kakauridze
Merab Devidze
The video-bit editting group is in constant communication with the writers' group in order to implement their ideas, which is rather time-consuming and difficult process. Okay than, let me ask a producer to turn on the video-bit.
Irakli Kakabadze is a producer of the program. Apart from the video-bits, he is responsible for some other important things during the process of recording, such as coordinating the Bend 's entries, coordinating camera-operators and producers, the post-production and editting of the show, and decisions on the various strategic issues.
Dato Iluridze and his musical bend provide musical backup:
Dato Iluridze
Sandro Dolidze
Kakha Khoshraria
Gia Tavberidze
Kakha Jagashvili
Vano Chelidze is the project director. His responsibilities include, but are not limited to, arrangement of the administrative issues, coordination of the audience, financial issues and decisions on various strategic issues.
And finally, the author and the host of the show is David Gogichaishvili.
David Gogichaishvili, Irakli Kakabadze and Vano Chelidze represent the administrative group of the "Night Show with David Gogichaishvili". |